Redcliffe is sliced in half by an over-sized carriageway. The area has been long neglected by planners and policy-makers and this major gateway to the city and setting for the iconic St Mary Redcliffe, is grey & grim.
The disconnect that Redcliffe Way creates is so severe, it not only splits North and South Redcliffe, it also marks the beginning of the sharp divide of inequality between North and South Bristol, with South Redcliffe experiencing high levels of inequality in terms of economic, social and environmental disadvantage. South Redcliffe is in the top 5% of the most deprived areas in England, and in the top 1% for Income Deprivation Affecting Children, according to the Index of Multiple Deprivation.
The Plan aims to stitch back together North and South Redcliffe, and tackle inequality in the heart of our city by creating a major mixed-use development, led by affordable housing and excellent design.
As Bristol opens up again post Covid-19, we want to say yes to development that prioritises clean air, and makes space for nature and people to play, walk and cycle. This is especially important in poorer neighbourhoods – like Redcliffe – where many people live in cramped flats, with no access to outdoor space, and suffer an unequal burden of air pollution, and as a consequence significantly poorer health
Music: www.bensound.comOver the past ten years The Forum has been developing a Neighbourhood Development Plan (The Plan) which sets out the community’s vision for how Redcliffe should develop over the coming years.
Through the community co-design process and consultation, a clear set of community priorities have been identified and have been developed into aims and policies in The Plan.
We’ve been inspired by other places across the world that have reclaimed underused space and put people and quality design at the centre, from the public space around Bath Abbey, to New York’s high-line, to Berlin’s Baugruppen custom build apartment blocks. This is a selection of some of those places.
The Plan was 5 years in the making- over 1500 people have helped make it. The Plan stands on the shoulders of people in the community who have been campaigning for 40+ years to make this part of the city centre better.
There is now a once in a generation chance to actually make it happen. The community is clear about what it wants and The Plan is financially viable. But we need your help. Please sign up and pledge your support for The Plan.
Your support will: